The Ropers is an American sitcom that ran from March 13, 1979 to May 22, 1980 on ABC. The series is a spin-off of Three's Company and based on the British sitcom George and Mildred. The series focused on middle-aged couple Stanley and Helen Roper who were landlords to Jack, Janet, and Chrissy on Three's Company. As was the case during their time on Three's Company, opening credits for The Ropers exist with either Audra Lindley or Norman Fell credited first.
Release: 1979
Rating: 5.3
Status: Ended
Duration: 0h 30m
Cast: Norman Fell, Audra Lindley, Jeffrey Tambor, Patty McCormack, Evan Cohen
Creator: Don Nicholl, Michael Ross, Bernard West
Country: United States of America